An old airplane for decoration11,091 hours donatedTail of a banner pulled by an old airplane

kilinkis helps the church

By kilinkis One of my employers asked me for help. He told me he was a active member of the catholic church in Mar del Plata, Argentina, promoting religion to young adults. He nedded a website to make the relationship between people and church easier and more friendly, but nobody wanted to do it for free.
I said "Ok, lets do it". Ive made some developing for the same project in the past but they put the project on hold. So actually the plan was to finished what we started before.
So i used the Mozilla Service Week to finish the project. I include some new code that ive learned this year, made the backend panel so they can manage the content themselves.
i am glad to contribute.

the site is but the ftp is not accesible yet, so temporally the site is being hosted here (please note that all the info is "Lorem ipsum" yet. Related Link