SCRNA Website - We give back what was freely given to us
There is a small group of people who maintain the website for the Southern California Region of Narcotics Anonymous. This group is responsible for updating the events, official documents of committee meetings and recovery meeting information as they relate to Narcotics Anonymous in Southern California. Our committee is made up entirely of volunteers. The interesting thing is that we never see the people we are helping. Once in a while we hear that people have used the website to "Get to a Meeting". That is the primary purpose of the site, to get a recovering addict or someone who think they may have a problem with drugs to a Narcotics Anonymous Meeting. We who do this service are grateful to NA for giving us a new way of life, a life that is love and service based. We have found a new freedom and we gladly share it with you. Please visit our website if you would like more information about NA. Related Link