Barakat works towards this mission by supporting local, innovative organizations that are making a real difference in the places they work. We establish a close, long-lasting relationship with each of our partners. These relationships allow our partners to focus their energies on helping more people and making their programs more effective. Barakat strives to make the maximum impact possible with each dollar, so we have high standards for our partnerships.
What makes us different?
We work in places that are difficult to access, and often support changes that challenge the status quo. We educate girls and women in places where girls’ education is discouraged. We support environmental rehabilitation in places where land is seen as something to exploit. We find ways to work health into our schools in places where policies forbid such work. We see challenges and obstacles as a reason to try harder, not a reason to give up.
With out local office located in Central Square, Cambridge, we need the help of an IT specialist. The aid of a specialist will help to boost our overall production in the office. Our office uses Mac/Apple OSX computers.
Many thanks!
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