Stories & Inspiration
Read below to see all the amazing ways the Mozilla community shared, gave, engaged, created, and collaborated during the week of September 14-21, 2009, by using the Internet to make a difference in people's lives.
People from all over came together to make a difference in their local community, and helped fellow public benefit organizations gain from the open Web. Thank you for taking part in Mozilla Service Week. Thank you for joining the cause - you made a difference.
Getting Mum & Dad Connected
I've been working with the Web since 1997 & during this time my parents have always shied away from my attempts to get them connected. "... we're too old!" was their cry! Well, enough is enough. I'm going to get them broadband, refurbish a Mac Mini, buy a cheap monitor & give them tutoring lessons. Related Link
Will Do Data Entry for Sidewalks
I've been doing data entry for a local group that is trying to get sidewalks installed in Greenwood, which is neighborhood in Seattle.
Seattle is supposed to be one of the most walkable cities in the United States. The truth of the matter is that 30% of Seattle neighborhoods have no sidewalks.
I've been volunteering my time create a DabbleDb database for volunteer information as well as doing data entry for the RFQ processes for a demonstration site sidewalk project. Related Link