Stories & Inspiration
Read below to see all the amazing ways the Mozilla community shared, gave, engaged, created, and collaborated during the week of September 14-21, 2009, by using the Internet to make a difference in people's lives.
People from all over came together to make a difference in their local community, and helped fellow public benefit organizations gain from the open Web. Thank you for taking part in Mozilla Service Week. Thank you for joining the cause - you made a difference.
Some of my Projects for Mozilla Service Week
During the past week I helped with the bookshare project -
I am working with the Baykids organization on several future projects, including trying to start a photography program with the kids with the end goal of producing photo books. They are also planning a fall event which I will help plan as well as volunteer my photography services.
Finally, I am helping do QA for the website.
While I was not able to devote many hours during the past week, I hope to be able to make contributions over the long haul, in the spirit of Mozilla Service Week.
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Helping African Pottery Safaris perform well on the net
Got into editing and helping African Pottery Safaris by optimizing their Safari Website. They specialize in tours and safaris in East Africa
Help requests, like waves, will continue to roll in...
With the California budget cuts our school has been able to offset the money and manpower lost from the state with parent volunteer hours. As a team we have provides a valuable resource to the school. As and individual I was able to provide about 10 hours of service this past week in the maintenance of the systems as well as the installation of newly allocated software the teachers and students. Also planned for the coming week is the addition of another network interface to the school server.
However, the need for parent volunteer hours does not end with the final day of the Mozilla Service Week. I encourage others to volunteer with the school in your local community whether you have children or not. The time spent will be one of the most rewarding periods in the lives of the children, the community, and yourself. Related Link
Helping Children Organization to set up its website
Some days ago, I helped to update the website of a Children Organization based in Kathmandu, Nepal. I have also been actively giving my service as a volunteer for this organization since the year 2006! I have been involved in the field research carried out by this organization as well. It feels so great to get an opportunity to be able to work for children. Let's give a helping hand to those who have become the prey of Conflict, Trafficking, Drugs, Child Labor and Exploitation! Related Link
I have set up the website for an orphanage
I have set up the website for an orphanage which is located in Siliguri, the same town where I am doing my medical course - from North Bengal Medical College. The North Bengal Orphanage or Uttar Banga Anath Ashram (as it is called in Bengali) is a flicker of hope amidst darkness. In a time when female child trafficking is rampant in our state, this orphanage takes in only girl children. The founder Uma Mallick, who is no less than a magician, does the impossible task of running the ashram despite very limited resources. Thanks to her indomitable spirit and help from a handful of well-wishers, the 28 little girls there get basic education and a proper diet. But the children could really do with a lot more. One of their well-wishers, Dr. Anjan Kr. Das (, an ex-professor from our college, felt the need of an online medium to garner help and support for the ashram. On Anjan sir's request and also out of my eagerness to do something for the nobel cause, I have set up the website I really hope the online community will come forward and donate something to the orphanage. (
Mozilla service week
We are a group of people in college netted as "Web Enthusiasts" club. We are conducting series of events in our campus premises :
# Keynote Address by Balaji Rao (NITK alumini, Google summer of code participant and linux kernel contributor)
# Talk on Free Software Philosophy by FSMK (Free software movement, Karnataka)
# Showcase of Desktop Effects on Linux (Compiz)
# Talk by Speakers from IBM
# FOSS(Free and open-source software) talks and demos
# Launch of EngiNux (a flavor of Ubuntu, designed by us especially for engineering students)
# Mozilla talk about its philosophy+technologies(XUL,XPCOM, JS ..) and workshop on "How to build extensions for Firefox" by Mozilla Campus Rep.. thats me.
# Developing Rich Internet Applications using JavaFX by Sun ambassador of our college
# Analyzing Network Traffic using Wireshark
# Linux (compasses around 15 distros) Installation Fest
We printed a lot posters and put it up them in around 12 different hostel buildings and various departments, public places.
During events a lot of goodies are being/will be distributed to students, like goodies from SUN, SFD and Ubuntu group, Mozilla.
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Steam-powered computers at Millvale Library!
A while back we inherited some random computer parts that gave some promise of actually working. I was no stranger to the inside of a computer, but I surely learned a lot by salvaging these old machines. OK, so "steam-powered" is a bit of an exaggeration- maybe "Soviet-era" is more suitable. They are cranky and slow- every day they still work I am amazed- but they get the job done! They are the most popular service of the library, used constantly by our patrons.
So this week I spent a few hours coaxing them along (TG for Windows SteadyState!). Just the usual- run Windows Updates, fix a busted profile, all mysterious little things that are part of the techie's world. It is a privilege and honor to use my modest talents for such a good cause. Related Link
Prairie Creekers Needed the Switch
As a father, volunteer and technology advocate I have been working persistently with the Prairie Creek Community School in Castle Rock, Minn. to provide quality, reliable technology for the students, teachers and faculty since 2006. Recently the school increased enrollment from 120 to 180 students ranging from K-5th grades and we needed to accommodate a major infrastructure change at the same time.
Myself and several other parents, teachers, volunteers collaborated on the number ports, amount of wire, and integrity of hardware required to get everyone online. Some of the equipment was extremely old and did not offer a reliable backbone for their network. We specified the upgrade and purchased the hardware. Next, I went into the closet and connected, configured and tested their Linksys Small Business switch with 48 ports and POE technology while expanding their wireless connectivity.
To date, we are running smoothly and the entire school is better prepared to infuse technology in the everyday life of the Prairie Creekers for years to come. Related Link
Access IT
60 Solihull residents are celebrating their new found PC prowess thanks to a £70,000 initiative offering free IT equipment and training.
The Learning and Skills Council-funded ‘Access IT’ scheme has been providing people with disabilities and those on low incomes with a free computer and internet access in their homes plus training at a computer club or one-to-one via a computer ‘buddy’. It has proved so successful that nearly 90% of those who have taken part now use a computer most if not every day.
“Access IT has opened up opportunities for people that they wouldn’t otherwise have had access to,” says project coordinator Bob Walklate. “For people with disabilities, it has helped to get them connected with family and friends via email and social networks. For people on low incomes, it has helped them look for work and improve their skills for the workplace,” explains Bob.
Les Bicknell, a learner at Hobs Moat Library club said that the scheme “changes lives for people”, acknowledging how the unfailing patience of the teachers and volunteers have helped him understand and make the most of his new equipment.
Access IT is a partnership between computer recycling and training charity ReCOM and SUSTAiN, Solihull’s support organisation for voluntary and community groups. Related Link
Visibe minorities, always have inspired me that "there is always a way to make the things better" Through Mozilla Service Week, I have found the opportunity to make contact with the Federal Association for the Advancement of Visible Minorities (FAAVM) based in Victoria, BC Canada. Their website implementation will help to improve their supporters and communication channels to be able to impact Canadian minorities in many positive ways.
The creation, development and establishment of the Federal Association for the Advancement of Visible Minorities (FAAVM) lays a foundation of hope and legacy of true and genuine compassion for the underprivileged and disadvantaged globally. Related Link