Stories & Inspiration
Read below to see all the amazing ways the Mozilla community shared, gave, engaged, created, and collaborated during the week of September 14-21, 2009, by using the Internet to make a difference in people's lives.
People from all over came together to make a difference in their local community, and helped fellow public benefit organizations gain from the open Web. Thank you for taking part in Mozilla Service Week. Thank you for joining the cause - you made a difference.
The Arc, MC in MD thanks its IT volunteers!
The Arc of Montgomery County is a nonprofit in Rockville, MD which provides supports and services to individuals with developmental disabilities and we cannot thank our IT volunteers enough for all of the help they give our IT department. They are truly exceptional and we are very happy that they have stepped up and decided to volunteer for our agency. Related Link
SCRNA Website - We give back what was freely given to us
There is a small group of people who maintain the website for the Southern California Region of Narcotics Anonymous. This group is responsible for updating the events, official documents of committee meetings and recovery meeting information as they relate to Narcotics Anonymous in Southern California. Our committee is made up entirely of volunteers. The interesting thing is that we never see the people we are helping. Once in a while we hear that people have used the website to "Get to a Meeting". That is the primary purpose of the site, to get a recovering addict or someone who think they may have a problem with drugs to a Narcotics Anonymous Meeting. We who do this service are grateful to NA for giving us a new way of life, a life that is love and service based. We have found a new freedom and we gladly share it with you. Please visit our website if you would like more information about NA. Related Link is born
Kiinga Online Solutions generously participated in the construction of, a social network website for sharing with friends and meeting new mind-like people. Related Link
Do a good thing
FOOD COUPONS just pick out a base from the site and make it happen..
Thanks all. Related Link
Roosevelt High School Japanese Garden, Teachers and Alumni
I spent the better part of the day at Roosevelt High School with a Reconnective Healer named Lenzy Stuart who actually taught me to play basketball when we attended RHS, together.
I picked him up in the morning and we spent all morning in the Japanese Garden where we saw and spoke to people about the role that Lenzy played for over 2 years as the campus healer. We discovered that he had been missed and this visit has started his return to the school for a new school year. Teachers and several of the sports teams scheduled for him to setup is table in the weight room.
The Japanese Garden is a special place which was re-created initially by the students in the early 1990's in an effort to commemorate the original RHS Japanese Garden from the mid 1930's.which was destroyed during because of the war with Japan. Another alumni Bruce Kaji who founded the Japanese American National Museum of LA came along and raised funds to upgrade the garden in 1996. Then Shideo Takayama, president of the Japanese Club from the 30's who created the initial RHS Japanese Garden visited from Japan in 2003 for the first time since he graduated in the 30's. He financed yet another renovation and upgrade to the garden including adding the upper and lower ponds
I also spent time talking to the Health Teacher who both Lenzy and I worked with on the first annual school health fair in 2008. Title 1 coordinator asked me to help with the school website Related Link
kilinkis helps the church
I said "Ok, lets do it". Ive made some developing for the same project in the past but they put the project on hold. So actually the plan was to finished what we started before.
So i used the Mozilla Service Week to finish the project. I include some new code that ive learned this year, made the backend panel so they can manage the content themselves.
i am glad to contribute.
the site is but the ftp is not accesible yet, so temporally the site is being hosted here (please note that all the info is "Lorem ipsum" yet. Related Link
The Web for Kindergartners
Over the last year and a half, I’ve been working on a project called Curiosity Clubhouse that uses computers, both in the classroom and at home, to help kindergarten students learn. It’s a web-based system that uses a collection of flash-based learning activities to help kids learn their letters and numbers and get started learning to read.
It came about after some conversations with an extraordinary kindergarten teacher named Barbara Brisson. One of the most technology-savvy teachers I’ve ever encountered, she was able to put her finger on a number of issues that limited the utility of computers in the kindergarten classroom.
Not the least of these is that the address bar in the browser is very hard for non-readers to use. And think about how to build a login page for someone who doesn't yet know the alphabet.
Curiosity Clubhouse, our experiment in the web for pre-readers has solved many these problems and added additional capabilities that have resulted in improved end-of-year reading and math scores for Barbara’s kindergartners.
For more information on the Curiosity Clubhouse project follow the Related Link
Can you suggest a solution to my company's need of the hour
Please help my company and suggest a solution !
Although I am quite stranger to you , but I do believe that brotherhood should be practiced by all successful leader in the hour of need to another business person who wants to succeed in any adverse conditions !
May I get your kind blessing in terms of Financial Bailout for my Pharmaceutical Company named ORISCON BIOTECH ( I) PRIVATE LIMITED My Company is ready to provide 12% interest per annum on the total amount of bailout package.The requirement for my company is of INR Rs. One Crore [ US $ 0.25 million ; (BritishPond - 0.15 million) ] only.
My COMPANY is still in the process of generating the required fund of Rs. One Crore which is the least amount needed to launch its Fifty Branded Products after creating an all India marketing network . I have already roped in 20 hard core Marketing Professionals who are having strong potential to generate optimum sales volume at the tune of Rs. Two Crore [ US $ 0.50 million ( British Pond - 0.30 million) ] per annum that will yield a net profit of Rs. Twenty Five Lakhs for the company in the first operational year.
I strongly believe in one of those statements that :" Success depends upon your ability to shape the future by anticipating and responding to change according to hour of need besides you should also know that you have never been better positioned to achieve this. "
Related Link
Greneteam created gardens for the Community
This was our first church when he was young boy.
Join me with the Greneteam...The Ideas are all over the internet that can help people in these trying times. Feed the hungry and teach them to Plan and Plant. by Pati Florida Artist (The Next square Foot Garden will be by the Boys and Girls Club on Havendale in Winter Haven,Fl.) Related Link